Par - Per 3 - Quick Blog

Mr. Particular Person:

I've said it for a year. Less than a month ago I published blog "Par - Per 2" (with a big star). A month before that I published "Par - Per". Both make my decisions and my wishes so very clear. (Blog "Par-Per 2" also links to blog "Par-Per".) It's an absolute decision. I do not wish any relationship.

Consequently, it's not likely I would change my mind in less than a month - especially after I wrote both blogs "Par - Per" and "Par-Per 2". In "Par-Per 2" I said,

"... a friendship will not be given and isn't available for at least years to come."

This is where I obviously said I haven' been seeking any kind of friendship. Hence, it's not very likely I would change my mind in only a couple of weeks. In both of the mentioned blogs, I said I didn't seek any kind fo relationship.

Because of trying to aggressively force me into a friendship for more than a year, I said I have no interest toward any kind of relationship. About this decision, I am certain, sure, and confident. I've said it many times through 1 year.

I gave a precaution in "Par-Per". I gave my warning in "Par-Par 2". For years I gave no evidence that any kind of friendship is wanted. I will now properly identify and label these actions:

"Mr. Particular Person, you are now treading on grounds of emotional and mental abuse. If you continue to aggressively offer me a friendship to force me into a relationship, because for one it's a circumstance that causes very high emotional and mental pressure, I'm sorry to say, it will properly be labeled as something worse. Please understand, I don't have an interest in a relationship."

This is not a joke. Please take this seriously. Both blog "Par-Per" and "Par-Per 2" are below for the ease of finding them. I'm very sorry, Good luck.


Related Links: par - per , Par - Per 2



-- Oct 9, 2022, 10:20am PDT
~ Update: 11:20 - added 4 words to bold quote,
& changed second sentence before the comma of bold quote;
11:07 - repositioned some sentences; 10:50am