NOTE - of "direction"

The typical worker to complete tasks labors alongside those who are like him/her and those who differ from him/her.
Nevertheless, MP has achieved such a success towards a freedom to work with anyone he chooses, and is not the typical employee.
I'd guess if any slight objection is with his friend, having full capacity to select his own co-wokers, the option always stands to make an excuse to not work with anyone. In August 2023, he willingly worked with his friend- for his friend's September work; I saw the movie with each other in the nice environment of the music production room. That suggests their relation between doesn't carry any significant complaints and is fine overall.

He has a wife, has prime friends, he has a big family; He's got global support. They're ample and proficient enough to cure and solve his difficulties.
Wasn't there video of him visiting a doctor? Why not see a counselor?
Why do we believe one of most powerful men in the world is incapable to help himself? Might you say all the pampering he gets keeps him occupied on the pampering from actually helping himself? He has plenty of support.

Sapphy, please keep the equation simple - from blog "direction". WE are the ones who need help. For once think of us. If not, we'll be here for next 7-8 more months. If you think it's selfish to think about You for a change, then it's the right time to be selfish.

In case you feel I owe him a relationship because he has obstacles, first I have been sick. Second, here is my response I wrote to him from "assist 3" on Nov 18, 2022.

...Of course, to continue the offer for friendship in the midst of plenty friends, family, and support already in your resources is not very necessary. To ask me for a friendship that's not really required, even against a person's emotional and mental health, isn't a fitting move even when the best friendships are given. Also, doesn't it devalue your relationships now?
I would suggest to please meet in the company of your sure friends, family, and support to supply your immediate essential needs. Your situation is serious. My situation is also serious. I hope you understand. Thanks.
*Pat to the shoulder* Take care of yourself, huh. I hope you meet your excellent fate. May you make steps to enter your very best days. Goodluck to a great guy. I wish you farewell. Thanks for reading this message.


-- April 8, 2024, 10pm PST