
Music Study

I had made a few small pieces of songs. Consequently, we look for influences in the whole music industry, by scanning in sources of info. One of the first persons who came to mind skilled in music is a female musician. In studying her, next I followed along a course of the girl musician, to the next girl musician who is a friend. I had enjoyed popular songs of both female musicians. The course connected me by info and memory to similar popular female musicians and their songs in videos. One is a professional Afri-merican female. I appreciated and enjoyed her songs.
Browsing the popularity of female artists had drove along roads toward Afri-merican or black male musicians. The group of black male musicians linked to thoughts and net searches for prime influences of my earlier years. They floated me to their responsible genre of rap.

Going through rap musicians, it's astounding how some rappers have reached the highest plateaus of popularity into stardom. My interest was inflated to find more rap music and their reaches of attainment, is to discover the creators and their backgrounds.
The chief founders of rap seem to begin as gangsters in a unique lifestyle. For complimentary finds, from my mental resource I had at ready a handful of rappers I could dig the net for.
Doing so, a defining quality had caught my notice. It's the trait of ruthlessness. Questions gravitated me to certain aspects of info.
Is ruthlessness, which has a similarity to fearlessness, are how persons of the lifestyle climb to such elevated statuses?
How ruthless does any individual have to be? To what end is it sought? Does ruthlessness go so far as to truly hurt someone, or is it mostly intimidation?
History is written for valid reasons. We know, the past can educate about the stage of start to a specific finish.


For example, in the 2 movies of "Places", the main bad egg and tiger, are made from at least some degree of common knowledge about ruthlessness found in society. Sources are broadcasted news or mags with descriptions made about the frame of mind of bad offenders. Do normal men consume and do bad from only knowledge gained about bad men? The enforcers of correct conduct are police officers. Does a policeman inherit bad traits when informed about the habits of a criminal, or does it increase defense and security? I think it's good to understand all types of people. The main participants of a genre or society are like jigsaw parts. Each build the whole illustration.

To onlookers, my actions may seem questionable without the driving reasons. To pursue inquiry into a person's private life without proper authority and foreknowledge can form confusion then incorrect assumptions to any watcher, and heartache to those watched. Common knowledge says the privacy of others we should normally keep confidential.

Concerning Mr. P, I only ever search info that had been submitted to the public sphere of knowledge willingly. I try not to enter anyone's private life.
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-- Dec 11, 2023, 10pm edt