Here is a visual supplement to "Trace".
Illustrations can sometimes make confusing explanations easier and clear to understand.

1 man is named Ihhi.
1 man is named Ommo.
Ommo has diamond shoes.
Ihhi has the exact same sparkling diamond shoes but barely uses them.

Ihhi's often unsatisfied with his own shoes, so Ihhi borrows without permission Ommo's shoes.
Ommo criticizes Ihhi to use Ihhi's own shoes instead of using his (Ommo's) shoes. Ommo says to Ihhi, "Please be satisfied with the diamond shoes you have."

On many days Ommo (red guy) criticizes Ihhi to use his own shoes.
Temporarily, Ihhi gives back Ommo his shoes. Repeatedly in the following week, again Ihhi uses Ommo's shoes.

Again Ihhi swipes Ommo's shoes and wears them among a celebration party.
There is gathered an unsuspecting crowd that doesn't know what's happening.
They are enjoying the quiet mood and atmosphere.
Ommo has 2 choices: 1 or 2

Shoes = Color
Crowd = Holiday / Special Day

MP has 4 colors. I have 4 colors.
If MP uses my colors on holidays / special days, can you understand the meaning of the illustration?





Note: The public can use any color they wish because they are not assigned colors. On the other hand, MP has selected precise colors he's made very popular and recognized. I've chosen colors I made well known specifically for Sapphy.

Note 2: Please push the back arrow button below to reintroduce the
FULL EXPLANATION on the last page -- for the illustrations on this page.



-- March 25, 2024, 12pm EDT