7% - B


What do Numbers 1 - 3 mean?
Perhaps, glimpse at the bright orange blog "assist 3". Mr. Particular displayed clues. Shown and seen enough, is what any current onlooker can probably evaluate them as extreme behavior. From this continuing mode one can naturally conclude, the conduct includes the urge of watching even very personal communication in my relationships. "assist 3" tells about an aggressive super-fuel he'd carried for a friendship, also that has never given credit or support by me. It had been progressing even to until I was given fragile and private information from Berry of a quite rare medical condition about an acquaintance.

I am confident he was introduced to this knowledge. The hypothesis is, what him and his partner do, are done together as a team. A suspicion lingers which may include them together through some way had watched over my personal interactions. If so, when only after 3 weeks pass, then an identical symptom happens in her wouldn't anyone perceive it came from first watching and witnessing it?
If it's true or possibly not true, then how would an identical, very unlikely-to-occur and rare medical condition happen so very soon after Berry told it to me, about her acquaintance?
Only 3 months goes by when an extremely rare medical condition springs into our view from Mr. Particular (but unrelated to hers).

To summarize, Berry's friend gets a rare condition;
3 weeks pass, when Mr. Particular's companion gets a similar rare condition;
3 months pass, then Mr. Particular gets an extremely rare condition.
All of these events happened in only 3 months and 3 weeks apart.

Highlight 3 details:
Info 1) His partner develops a rare medical symptom.
Info 2) The rare medical condition happens in only 3 weeks later from another person's like symptom.
Info 3) Mr. Particular develops an extremely rare condition following in 3 months, immediately after his significant other.
(Note: Briefly recall the 7%; Its the guess by percent about the probability of all 3 of these facts happening together.)

In Number 1-3, the car collisions directly represents the rare illnesses of Mr. Particular and his significant other.
Car accident = rare illness.

Here are the correlations between sections Number 1-3 and the recent story of illnesses above:
Info 1 = Number 1.
Info 2 = Number 2.
Info 3 = Number 3.

A car accident is much more likely to happen, than a rare illness - that's health threatening and while an adult under 35. (Occuring globally in vast numbers, Covid-19 is not considered rare.)
Car crashes happening one after the other, are more likely to happen than rare illnesses happening one after the other (concerning non-transmissible or unconnected illnesses).
Thus, the likely event of car accidents directly determines the unlikely event of rare illnesses.
Recall Urkenbloc and Noomerate.
If first the more likely event happens, then the unlikely event can happen.
If when the likely event does not happen, then the unlikely event usually doesn't happen either.

Perhaps later, I'll give the description more comprehension. For ease this acquired data will fill the current requirement efficiently, though I've left some info out.
Next, we replace the unlikely medical elements with the more likely automotive elements,
inside the Final Equation.


-- Feb 27, 2022, 11:20pm PST
~ Update: Mar 5, 6:20am | Mar 3, 10am; 9:30am