


When I study the day 1 month before, up close it looks like you had accepted. So, that would mean the agreement is active. I will dedicate my next great work to you. After my healing vacation, and when everything is ready, I will notify you.The consequence is thinking as a team. If you still agree, then we'll search for the best preliminary meeting. You are the first girl I will look for when I'm ready.

Her Phone

Give me an ear. Here is an illustration to define a lesson.
A friend comes to your house and asks to use your smart phone.
You give it to her. She throws it to the ground. It breaks.
This happens often. She breaks many phones.
In one incident, she purposefully broke the phone in a secluded part of your house, in a room's corner. You forgot about that phone because you had other duties during those hours. Hypothetically say, the inside of that specific phone for some reason carried much bacteria. ( I don't know the brand of phone you use.) The broken phone dispersed bacteria around and was left in the forgotten part of your house. It grew mold in the damp corner. Next, some tiny fungi grew.

Let's review the actions of your friend for the lesson.
When she breaks your phone often, do you see her as a postivie or negative person?
Would you say it's disrespectful when she breaks your phone?
Consequently, after breaking many phones will she chase you away from the friendship?
When any person breaks things often, does it look good?

Why did I illustrate this example?
It's about the event that happened a month ago. Equally, it happened July 2023. Furthermore it's a result that happens each time.
Each and everyone is obligated to fix whatever we break.
If you retaliate to do things at me when I'm not at fault, when the result is our broken feelings, the semblance you will then adopt is the girl with the phone in the illustration above.

Additionally, when it's left broken and no one cleans the mess, it worsens = it grows mold and festers.
These conditions are the same as the illustration of the friend and the phone.

Sapphy, you disliked me Before I watch the event. Next, you disliked After I watched the event. I can't win with you.
When I said, "supergirl" the "super" part means she did a super job. If you retaliated to break our good status over a harmless comment, then the responsibility is yours to fix.
When any person is absent, doesn't participate, doesn't take the initiative to show she/he cares independently, and doesn't fix what was broken, the value of that person descends.


If you don't like to clean or fix the broken pieces of our caring or fond feelings and good status, do you know the best solution?
Think of it like a crystal vase. If we don't want to clean the mess, we shouldn't break the vase from the very beginning. If we don't break it, we don't have to fix it.
If you want to avoid retaliating at me, the best thing to do is to trust me.

For years you avoid cooperating together, where does it get us? Let's work together for 2 weeks , and I'm positive things will be better.
While I finish Places 4. You can use POS. It could use an extra letter.
P = plain;
O = obvious;
S = singular;
E = exhibit (Soon show it.)
POSE for us.
To heal the situation, you can wear red, orange, turquoise.



-- March 16, 2023, 6pm EDT