
Questions may linger or expectations people may hold about a friendship. Here's my viewpoint.


The basic idea of the U.S. of America is to do as you please and want, as long you don't (or eventually don't) hurt a person or person's property.
A person shouldn't go against his/her own free will. When anyone does anything against his/her free will it hurts that person to some degree.
When Another person uses force against your free will, when you did nothing wrong, that person hurts you. According to the basic idea of the U.S.A., the force that hurts is against the standard of Americans.

Expectation. Expectation is about expecting by the insistence or demand that a person do something.
When that expectation goes against a person's free will to do what he/she wants of good and mature judgement, then it hurts that person. In that case, expectation goes against the essential American.

It's Alright

I understand if anyone wanted me to catch this monumental event, if it's to receive a valuable gift.
This great event caught by me in figurative terms, is like Person # 1 buying a car, and sending it through the mail to Person #2, but Person #2 is not around to receive it. It's a big waste. Person #2 (me) should accept the gift.

Understandably, the 2 ladies (Sapphy and Ma) wanted me to receive this gift (car), by watching it.
The first subject is to receive a valuable gift.
The second subject is to accept a friendship. This is answered above in "Citizens". When the great person is strongly connected to Mr. P it leaves doubts and resistences about a true relation. While without the solution for them and delaying the decision to approve it until later, expectations shouldn't yet be held for a friendship until both parties fully or mostly agree.
Until this condition happens, I shouldn't decide the friendships of others and equally others wouldn't decide or have expectations in mine.

Nonetheless, I can explain that for me after some years I can look to accept friendships. However, in the residing years I can't do anything to form great friendships .
Especially while sick from stress, my attentions are absorbed in healing (away from digging for a solution) and in relationships I am limited.

The growths

From the the last blog, when you do wrong moves here explains the meaning: the situation will grow mold and fester.
(Similarly for this and last blog forgive my manners - from sickness.)

We'll hypothesize this scenario: I said something to Seaglo; You misunderstand and it meets your disapproval by determining my actions as inappropriate or wrong, and its effect is you retaliate by your wrong moves; Each day, the wrong moves grow. The results are:

1) Your parents repeat in their actions by many times any move you decide to make, whether right or wrong. (The mold is not what they've done, but is the first wrong move of circumstance.)
2) Mr. P will eventually make unkind advances toward me - like forcing a friendship.
3) Appearing as on Mr. P's side, people will encourage you to stay on his side probably by good feelings. The longer the wait from correcting the mistake, is the likelihood you'll permanently stay.
4) On Mr. P's side as days continue to pass, many will further the influence as the steps to push you to him.
5) Whether true or not, if you let it stand or exist long enough, it will become true. We shouldn't let lies, misinterpretations, or misrepresentations exist.
6) (Like 6 years ago with the other girl) Sometimes policemen appear who see me will look for any excuse to keep me held in a temporary stop from my activities.
The lesson from this and last blog is, to correct the mistake immediately 1-6 is avoided. From the beginning if you don't "break it", you skip the grand task of "cleaning" (by redoing it).
Please help by correcting any mistake.


Starting at the second day of my healing, I had to pause it to handle this issue up to today. Due to lack of time, the final movie was left incomplete.
I'll reschedule Places 4 for March 31.

Beautiful girl, please POSE. Enjoy your post-graduation weeks.



-- Mar 20, 2024, 3:30am EDT

~ Update: 11am, 5am