Extra - Radical

This is an incredible gift from 1 person to the next given at the event. What obstructs the automatic passage from the course of accepting and advancing toward a friendship with MP's friend is in the next point.

On the cover work of MP's friend done this year, we discover a healthy friendship that has been going between MP and MP's friend for about 15 years - from today back to start.
Like a nice sales pitch would quote: You get one, you get the other; You choose them as a pair.
Furthermore, this may suggest at least partial inspiration for the event is from MP.
The feeling of appreciation I carry for MP's friend. For MP, my decision has been solidified many years ago. MP is why I withdraw as a duty to accept a friendship in any close year, and must postpone the decision for the time I can have friends of such popular status, which is 2027 or later.




-- March 27, 2024, 4am EST