
Lovely Panda, my darling, beautiful dearest.

(Note: Taking at least a month off will heal my sickened state.)

I saw it today.
Perhaps, it could be the making of the big new fight scene in "Places" that I didn't finish in full all scenes by this time.
I may say overall the scenes are done; Small work and finishing touches are left to do. However, the little parts are easy but time consuming. I now have to scrap the huge fight scene, because there is lack of time.

After I complete this movie, if you want to wait for me while I'm on vacation, that's fine. Although, don't wait past 2 months. For you, to be with an actual boyfriend meets the special wish you and I have. At any time while away, when you decide to join with a new boyfriend who's good in appearance and is like a movie-star, I still can take care of you.
An assurance is available for my return. If you don't want me to leave forever, or if you don't like letting go to never see me again, please wear orange. It will obligate me to find my way back then give assistance to you and Ma, when and if I can in the near future.

Part 4 is going to be finished within this week. Please try patience. It will arrive. The scene for your Ma is included. I'll get it done ASAP.
I know it's hard, but try not to back-step or revert to the previous stance for 1.5 weeks. As the experience from another girl years ago, if there are persons making you feel considerably uncomfortable, in small amounts it might be force - to please the aims they have. What they want is what Mr. P wants.
Anyone shouldn't be using force toward you. I'm with you beautiful. Don't worry about it. If you stand to endure it now, you avoid it for a lifetime later.
My checking the status about your parents is not constant, because i go through much aching after seeing unexpected changes of heart. I try to give encouragement when I'm able. I hope everyone remembers, that any relationship that's current or from history I want not to interfere.
Ciao Panda.



-- January 22, 2024, 1am EDT