bird rabbit 2

Hello Sapphy:

I'm confused. A slight recap.
1 month ago you made a unkind move. I felt my worst day. 2 weeks later from that day, I wrote about that in blog "modify".
Nonetheless, it appears surprisingly you attempted to correct it 3 days ago. I'm not sure. For the first time, I see a girl who's trying to fix what she broke. The best girl helps instead of hurts. If so, great job.

In a near day, I got the impression you made another wrong move. 2 big wrong moves were done 1 month apart about. On your birthday, it seems you were promoting Mistpar's actions on October 12th,
soon after I wrote the Note of "linking".
It could be perhaps, you may miss grasping the greater meaning of it. Please let me assist or guide your viewpoint.

I was watching magical entertainment about people losing their appendage and replacing them with robotic limbs. For a somewhat like example, what if you lost your hand and you're in misery. The next day, your friend sits next to you and she's grinning.
The next example is, what if a teenager gets beaten in a public square by a woman with a cane. The small teen has a bleeding nose. The crowd around the teenager laughs, and walks by.

What does that say about your friend? What does that say about the crowd that surrounds the teen?
When we encourage this kind of behavior worse incidents slide by unnoticed.
What if on live TV, your governor while making a speech got punched by a citizen, but no one did anything?
Next, what if on live TV, your governor got stabbed by a citizen, but no one did anything?
Furthermore for worse, what if on live TV your governor got stabbed and some people laughed about it?

Mistpar who personally got involved, was leading the people to give care and support.
The event happened and continued after it started. Near the beginnig amid the most intense time of suffering Mistpar gave that expression.

To promote the manner is to turn our backs on everyone who's suffering and enduring great loss even in shocking times when they need someone. Eventually everyone endures it. When it's your turn in line, you are going to get what you give.

Sapphy, I'm sincerey asking, please avoid the actions that would bring Mistpar and I together. I'm sorry.

See ya.



-- April 20, 2024, 11:40am PDT

~ Update: 2:30pm