bird rabbit


Oh my beloved,

I missed 2 days ago. I didn't see it. What you did, it was hidden in the back alley of the public.
Sapphy, my darling love;
I was caught in a whirlwind for a month because of the friendship. After months of exhaustion, I took a couple of days to heal. Mostly, I get bread crumbs from you, you're partial, and your hidden. Often, I get nothing. Very unexpectedly, you do something great for me. Then you dislike me, and retaliate. All this happened in the 2 days I was healing. You're funny in a very mean way.
I've been sick, and I've been resting. Also it's not a physical symptom. I will take the next few days off.
Thank you Sapphy. You're very beautiful.
Did you know about my headphones?

I'll be very nice to MP, don't worry about it.

On the weekend I should rest. I wish to finish Places 4.



-- April 19, 2024, 12pm PDT