2 options are ready to pick:

A1) Begin a relationship with Mr. P -- observed are the interest for other girls -- in about a year likely he may move on, which possibly initiates the negative opinions about you for a lifetime.
If you like his friends, I'm fine with it. Although regardless if you like any friend, the eventual road is not to the friend. Because every friend will pass you to Mr. P.
To repeat this fragile matter could be impolite. Please check the first page for info:
Ways > Your Stance
A2) You'll get treated as a special girl for plenty months, in the beginning. However, when the break-up happens I suspect possibly what follows is the opposite treatment throughout a girl's life.
Consequently, a start filled with praise, but possibly getting negative feelings that stand for a course that's lifelong by continual comparison to his newest partner.

Rewrote - B1) As a favor, help me 1 time, in return I'll help you for a lifetime.
I present to you an agreement as an unwritten contract.
To solve the highly unpleasant condition I often meet,
needed is merely one expression from you by POS given to me.

I'll compensate it, by my lifelong service of support to you and your Ma, for as long as you require. Only if you like.
I can assist your personal startup. I can assist your Ma's projects. Your Ma can give her advice to you about how to be a stunning girl in a public performance. (I haven't checked on her in 2 months.)
If ever you and I decide to part ways as close partners, the agreement will remain valid for a lifetime.
I'll keep an open ear and channel for my assist.
The status of being apart might even be the more efficient way to help.
What does your 1 POS expression do for me?
It dissolves the hurdle of the loop that repeats endlessly. The gratitude will overwhelm me to supply back the favor.
Secondly it shows responsibility through the ability to work and cooperate together to make something happen.
This act guarantees me that you're responsible to do what you say you will do, when I support you.
The trait of responsibility is generally good for any job or work, also any relationship of the romantic type.
It's the sign of a good partner. Even if apart, if I can and where needed, I'll support you and your Ma for as long as you require.
Nonetheless, when you establish a firm connection with Mr. P, he will be your main support. Since my support is no longer required, my offer of service becomes void.
B2) Display your care by POS to me, then temporary negative opinions from the public may occur at the start. It passes. Next begins a post-period of a lifetime, with the inspiration of your parents, is treatment dependent on your upward course of work, perhaps unburdened by the continual negativity.
Consequently, a start of some negative opinions, but a lifetime surely avoiding the unusual weight of negativity and sustained by thriving comments.


If you asked me repeatedly for something reasonable you really wanted, I would do it (if I could) regardless of the consequences.
As people, let's leave an impression on each other that's good.
Also, each lady I released is open and free to find a new boyfriend.
I need rest, I'm stressed, and I'm getting ill; I should have a vacation.
What do you have to lose by showing you care? (plain, obvious, singular)
Sapphy will you do it?


-- Nov 18, 2023, 3am PDT-- Nov 18, 2023, 3am PDT
~Update: 3:20pm