To Agree 2

It's not practical, safe, or courteous to accept friendships for someone else.
If everyone chose all my friends for me, is the cause because I wanted it, or they wanted it?
Love is thinking about the other person. If they are selecting friends while not thinking of me and minding the choices about people I made, is it love?
When forcing a person into a friendship to his suffering is it thinking about him and loving him?
If people choose my relationships, while solely thinking about Mr. P, and don't honor my choices likely love or friendship is not the reason.

To choose my friends, you must believe you're doing it for my own good.
Do I need something from him?

A) Is it his fame I want? I'm not currently interested in fame. I'll help others toward it.
B) Is it his money? His success a decade ago doesn't reward the same success by meeting his acquaintance today. If that's true, every friend he has is equally successful and they had won an equal amount of money as he did. Is that true in every case of his friends? Being next to a person with money, doesn't automatically rub off onto each person. If so, are all his employees as successful or making great money? I don't want his startup money. You probably can guess my direction about this.
C) His talent or interests? I'm hardly interested in his work, activities, or life, unless I need info for the papers I write for defense.
D) His success? Any success of his doesn't necessarily mean it's my own. If he's a professional basketball player, it doesn't mean that I will be. To be good at basketball, you must earn it by practicing it, usually by helping yourself. When I need it, I know where to look. On my chosen course, Mr. P can be excluded. I'll take my chances.
E) A best friend? A friendly person can make friends anywhere. If you don't know how to make friends in your own state, more especially you can't make friends with Mr. P. The result is, if I am friendly or if I'm not friendly a friendship with Mr. P is not a natural choice.
2 people who were meant to be together naturally attract to the other. Force is not an ingredient of a real friendship. Furthermore, if harassment was used for greater than 1 year while i said "no" and is the fuel that makes his friendships, it shows me a friendship with Mr. P doesn't stand in the natural attraction of my interests or consideration.

These answers should match others to my viewpoint.

Panda, here are my guidelines you may use:
Wear orange to clear up all the confusion, then do nothing for 2 weeks. That's all.

Everything is easy when we work together. Ciao.



-- Feb 20, 2024, 9:30am EDT