Q & A

This is a Question & Answer page for Places 4 short movie. All the images above are from Places 4.

What is the schedule for the release of the mini movie, Places 4 ?
The movie is scheduled to release on or before today. Nonetheless, 2 blogs have depleted 2 days of crucial time - called "finally 1,2" and "The faults".
Each blog took a day to write and rest. They were required to write as a response to heal unexpected situations.
As a result, they add 2 days to the prior release day of part 4 - today. From this Sunday, 2 days are needed to complete all the visual and sound elements. To be honest, there needs to be an extra day for video editing. I hope to release it within 3 days, before the start of February.

What work is there left to do ?
In the fourth movie every essential scene has been completed overall. Despite that, after reviewing Places 3 I discovered people are expecting a huge fight scene in part 4. The dark figure of part 3 has the nickname "Darkful". After the big intro of Darkful, general disappointment will greatly detract Part 4 if a brawl is not added. Originally, what Darkful does is, he descends from the sky, causes some damage, then leaves. This scene is already complete, although it will not sufficiently meet the demand for an expected fight scene. The new brawl scenes had been planned. Yet, the scenes of dispute with this adversary shortly after were trashed due to the lacking time that's available.
Instead, 4 small scenes have been added to serve as like an "IOU" to show the brawl sequence will be skipped until later. These 4 new little scenes as the replacement are about 80% complete. The process left is mostly gluing together the small pieces and sound work. I'll try to complete the remaining 20% of the 4 scenes before January, and is included in the scheduled time predicted above.

What is there to expect in Places 4 ?
Part 4 is the finale. Hence, much of the best visual material stands in this final part. Part 3 and Part 4 were intended to release together. In the separation of the 2 parts, Part 3 gives the wrong impression about what the real subject or theme is about. Darkful was created for a goal, and the end result is not about hatred, but I believe is better. Because when there's a fight between the good guys and the good guys usually there's not much conflict. I regret showing Part 3 without Part 4.

An interesting part is when the girl and guy meld together to form a machine. It's not spectacular, but plain and weird. I don't know how people will take it. heh-heh-heh.
It might represent 2 people who are in complete agreement working together.

Hopefully, these varied scenes will fit into one movie.

What is the tree heart for ?
The tree heart has a couple main products. First, it opens a simple portal to a different place - not special. Two, inside the tree heart the breathable fluid they swim through dries up, and it makes another material.
Lastly, the typical meaning of a heart is obvious.


This basic info is for the Places 4 mini movie set to show on January 31. Thanks for reading.



-- January 28, 2024, 11:30pm PDT

~ Update: 1:30am