
Prep Notes

First, here are notes for the Proba papers, and Proba C:

Why are the numbers ordered backwards?
We can find the answer by asking a question.
When you make a subject for a sentence, which is more correct:

A) The car OF the wheel
B) The wheel OF the car

A) Clomin OF the arm
B) The arm OF Clomin

"B" is correct in both examples. Generally, when we want to use the word OF, we can think of the primary group as on the right side (of the word OF).

This is why numbers are ordered from right to left, or backwards -- for it to read correctly -- instead of the usual left to right.
However, I may have confused everyone, when I added the last subgroup number on the right side - the "10%". After the main set of numbers in the equation, since Americans comfortably read from left to right, to clearly see the new custom added 10%, I placed it at the equation's right.
Here is the correct order, from right to left:
.10 x .009 x .46 x .20 x .03 x .05
(10% of 0.9% of 46% of 20% of 3% of 5%)

This equation represents all OF's as multiplication signs.


.10 x .009 x .46 x .20 x .03 x .05

In this equation, one number is invisible. It's 100%.
It's starts with 100% of people.
As the primary group of the whole equation (as described in #1), I will add it to the right side - after the word OF .
All OF's are multiplication signs.
I will plainly show the 100% in this equation:

.10 x .009 x .46 x .20 x .03 x .05 x 1.00
( 100% = 1.00 = 1 )
Anything multiplied by 1 is itself. 100% is 1 in this equation. Since 1 is like it's not ever there, it presents the option to leave it out.
For the next section, to make this number seeable, helps us understand what's happening.


In Proba B, I explained how I got each number, and put it all together to make an equation. The outcome is an equation that has made the Guesstimate percentage. When it was used, we saw with good precision it can nearly match the Actual Percentage.

In North America, there were 4.3 million births in 1994.
You probably understand why this year and location were used.

When counting people, we usually get a whole number and fraction like "28.5". To represent a whole person, since we can't have half a person or fractions of a person, instead of ordinarily rounding up we round down = 28 people

All North America includes: The U.S., Mexico, Canada, countries of Central America, and Greenland.
(I would guess the average Mexican family is bigger than the average American family. My guess against actual data, can show this might not be true.)

For your convenience, here is the Fact List:
A) 15% of people get the Clucky disease. (The number, I asked to remember from above).
B) 20% of Clucky, get Sandals
C) For ages 50 and under, only half of them get the Syndrome
D) Less than 1% of people who get Sandals, get the Syndrome
E) The Vampiric Vaccine is at least 5% more effective when dealing with severe Vampiric disease (= Syndrome).


Next, we make the equation, by including the element of 'pressure'.


-- Dec 6, 2022, 3pm PST
~ Update: June 25, 2023