Places Notes


A) There is a fight scene at the end of Part A. The black screen preceding the fight scene may confuse anyone to exit watching the movie.

B) For the tree brawl, I'm not sending the message that if you want to make a friend, you should fight any person or bully. Here the toy-like or mini me will agree to contend only for slumber time on the branch to have important opportunities to search for the dog. At the right moments, it's satisfactory to stick up for youself. Afterwards, each was supposed to say compliments to the other like, "Nice moves," and, "Great dodge." They both find a type of kinship or appreciation. In addition, sometimes unexpected friendships can develop.

C) For the car scene and most scenes, to make it look better or right, you can temporarily turn down the brightness of your screen - which is easy to do on most screens of mobiles or Macs. On Macs, there is usually a brightness key at the top of the keyboard. Maybe 10 taps can adjust it correctly. If I had more spare time, I could properly blend the black areas for a better finish.

D) Personally I enjoy and prefer Toyota cars, but there are many fine quality cars. My older model Chevrolet car had been reliable and efficient.
In this movie, I used a car as stand-in or substitute for the final car in the movie. I was going to replace it with a Toyota. However, because I didn't have the time needed, I used the stand-in car for the final movie.

E) I was going to dedicate the car to 2 people. One is a car artist. Time wasn't available.

F) Sapphy, I was going to dedicate the airplane and car to your Dad, however, the last time I saw about 4-5 days your parents no longer held me in good and sufficient esteem. I felt, maybe they didn't want it.

G) I did this work quickly, so I am not satisfied with many scenes from the lack of time. For instance, the last thunder scene is poor quality. The transformation scene, I could not find the right sounds and used anything that was available. Also, can you see the transformation comes from the silhouette on his shirt? For the scenes with words or texts, I had only a mere dozen minutes to figure the situation and words to write. I wished to have given ample time to the tiger painting. The last romantic scene was very rushed, and didn't have time to create a fitting effect.
The cloud scene was done about 2 weeks ago. I waited for later when I had more spare time to put in the flock of swans, and to improve flying for the toy-ish or small me. At later, no time was available.

H) Most songs are from Transitions 2. [Blog: Transit 2 ]



[ *Note to Sapphy: This is not the main letter of today I will write.]



-- August 18, 2023, 6:30pm EDT
~Update: Aug 19, 2023, 9:30am