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C) Am I a bad person for not permitting a friendship with Mr. Particular?
The explanation follows.

Mr. P made a work 3.5 years ago.
In the work Mr. Particular revealed himself as so very alone, sad, and hurting.

1 year (about) before that work, he told he was happy and healthy because of his marriage.
Happy in his marriage, then 1 year later he's very sad - confessed through the work.

The work may puzzle you. Why?
Let's make a list: He's acquired all the support in the world, likely has a circle of close friends that can bring him through any dark period (as they did before), plenty of extra friends available everywhere, countless girls love him,
his mentor always supplied him with full dedication and friendship (shown very recently), 2 pastors were supporting him, and he even has a loving wife. In addition, from a very happy state, he passed into an unhappy one in only 1 year.

It's peculiar. When he created the work, even in the midst of his astounding number of abundant emotional support and love, still he felt alone, sad, and was hurting.
Everyone's support didn't satiate or adequately fill him?

Let's fast-forward to today. From the time of the beginning to present days, you were witnesses. Gradually, I'd admitted it. Consequently, because it grew at a normal snail pace you know I've been telling the truth.
From Christmas 2021 at posting "Snoy" for Lazi (and even before),
to last Christmas 2023 (2 months ago),
for near 2 years he pursued a friendship with me and building slowly over months was the sum of the eventual force, even to make my hurt (I had continually stated). Did I lie or exaggerate about it? How could that be when you saw it happen through years with your own eyes?

My viewpoint is this. He played sports, surrounded by friends: at Christmas and this month.
Always he has the greatest abundance, but his emotional urge seems insatiable. Eventually, while misled his loneliness incited him to seek a friendship with a distant total stranger (me) he has never met, doesn't really know, who doesn't seem willing. Moreover, he sought friendship even to my emotional and mental hurt through years while I had to then understandably make my disinterest apparent.
Furthermore, he was misguided to such high extent, from the environment of ample friendships to seek outwardly me as the cure of his loneliness. Does it somehow seem like a move of desperation to illogically look for a friendship elsewhere, apart from an ample foundation of loving support?

If my friendliness is in question, please consider this.
From the collection of evidence I gave each week or fortnight that spans the total of 1 full year (including blogs Find, and Proba papers), which is more true:
Mr. P's demand and pressure for my friendship is right and good, OR
from Mr. P's unusual need for a friendship (with much evidence) I had endured hurt ?

Additionally, here's a quick summary of things I believe he hid and did for girls:
Cartoon Movie = Lazi
Mushroom necklace, 'holy' = Fruitart
Watch, babies, "baby" = Seaglo
Diamond teeth = Cinnamon
Orange Reindeer suit with spots, 'Saint' = R
Fur coat = X
Vehicles = W
Sunflower = Ruby (sisters)

? = Opal (sisters)

(These are in order of most notable or most recent date. )

I try to show everything openly because I don't want to hide anything.
Is the insatiable fuel for a friendship from an unknown stranger, or might there be another reason?
When I choose to not accept a friendship from a person who seems confused about where to find his real friendships from, why am I the cause of wrong and seen as the bad guy?

Hope the read was beneficial. Thanks and bye.



-- Feb 28, 2024, 1pm EDT