

Surprising to me, the 14th is around the corner- which is for "resurface" day and to supply for viewing Places 4.
In vacation, I'm in the pre-stages of P. 4 but haven't really started actual work yet until this 8th. A better new day is the 20th for display.


Sapphy, on Feb 12 I shouldn't have said,"… you look magnificent." I shouldn't go overboard with descriptions. Instead I meant, on this day to see you and in that way is magnificent.
To more accurately describe you, I'll say you're the loveliest, or you look beautiful and splendid.

It's understandable if you don't agree about what I say next .
Maybe the common feeling going around and also my feeling is that I want to get married soon. I hope the path of your parents yield satisfactory to best results. Whatever happens is fine.
A short small scene in Part 4 is where your parent is like the knight saving the day.
Recently you're Ma has a fantastic dress. To see her as this while working is pleasing and right.

It's near midnight. I must rejoin my days in vacation. Take care.



-- March 8, 2024, 4:50am EDT