

For these last 3 days I didn't want to post anything out of courtesy to someone.
Also, to heal my sickness and while absent on my vacation my responses have been slower.
If my response is not quick enough for anyone please be understanding; I always try to compensate people eventually to an equal degree.
My inactivity is because of my restlessness after years of work, and the need to avoid extra stress.
From Feb 29, for a couple of days, I was in the process of adding new scenes for Places 4, in regards to your Dad. For your Ma, I've been searching for a way to enhance her scenes. On the screen superb outfits would be seen by everyone and is very good. Some day, I would like to pursue the avenue further to help anyone.


It appears Mr. P may have discarded 2 of 3 my requests again on his special day (or near) , as he ordinarily would do. I'm not sure if the post I found is recent or from history. A prediction was made merely 2 weeks ago in orange blog "vacation". It cautions that he normally uses special days as an excuse for uncommon acts - which means he doesn't value the special day. One of last times with turquoise, was on Christmas.

A certain company with the name of a lady has the favorite color of red. (You can do a quick check.) The company creates artworks for public artists, and many times uses the favorite color on or with their fine quality works. For example, we know Mr. P's primary color from his teens.
About 2 decades ago, when they made a work for Mr. P. instead of using Mr. P's prime color on the work that represents himself, the company has used the color of red which generally is used on or with many of their works. This is quite satisfactory. Please distinguish this has been the company's favorite color since at least a decade that past.


To make sure confusion doesn't happen POS was made for dearest Sapphy.
Sapphy you look magnificent that day. You did it exactly the right way.
It saves considerable loads of time and effort:

P = Plain - Any action should be comfortable and easy; Plain plans are easier and quicker to do, than complicated plans.
O = Obvious - Bravely, loudly, or obviously show who you're communicating to.
S = Singular - Try to do it singularly for 1 person. To do it halfway, or partially it promotes the confusion we like to avoid.

The first day you did I saw you were sincere.
Afterwards although, when you returned with the bright pink bag, you looked insincere because it seemed semi or partially for me. It could've been a misunderstood response to my goodbye for Cinnamon.


Let me point out the differences between when you signal Mr. P, and I communicate with Seaglo.
(1) Seaglo has sincere feelings; (2) She was friendly to you at first and she leaves you alone; (3) She wants a longterm relationship.
(1)Mr. P chases you merely because I care about you (same for every girl);
(2) he makes unkind advances constantly by pressure to me but acts like my friend;
(3) the relationship he wants with you seems short-term ...
(Recently, I was trying capture evidence at the nearest store Mr. P has merchandise in which is completely or mostly dedicated to girls around 14 and under. At one time, it appeared bras (or bikinis) were immediately next to this section with his logo across it. I got in trouble trying to grab film of it, but understandably it turns out it may be breaking copyright laws.)
Combine these clues, to the list of clues from "Much 2" then what does it conclude?"
Potentially it's "WAYS 2" ?


I would like to devote most of my time to healing. Everyone please let me trust you for the next 2 weeks. In bright orange blog "vacation", I said I'll make a "Resurface" page.
May your Spring bring pleasant days.



-- Mar 4, 2023, 11:50am EDT